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Changing Text Size

Changing font sizes and the colours of the website.

This may be useful for you if you have low vision, and need larger fonts or high contrast colours. You can change the font size, style and colour, and choose an alternative colour for links. You can also change background and foreground colours.

How to do this on a PC

If using Internet Explorer on a PC, select the 'View' menu at the top of your window. To change font size, scroll down and select the 'Text size' option. To ignore font and background colours choose the Internet options from the 'Tools' menu at the top of the window. On the 'general tab' of the window that appears, select the 'Accessibility' button. This takes you to a menu where you can choose to ignore the way the page is formatted. Then return to the Internet options menu, and use the 'Colours and Fonts' buttons to set your preferences.

How to change text size on an Apple Mac?

From Internet Explorer, select 'Preferences' from the 'Edit' menu at the top of the window. From there, select 'Web content' and uncheck the 'show style sheets' option. Then return to the list of preferences and choose 'Web browser'. Then select on 'Language/fonts' and choose the size you need.


Adding speech and reading support tools

This can be found by connecting to Information on speech reader, Browsaloud






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